landscape with fields and hills
Empowering rural communities to act for change


RURACTIVE is committed to close cooperation with other projects actively researching and implementing innovative rural development approaches, especially those operating under the EU call for funding to develop resilient, inclusive, healthy and green rural, coastal and urban communities. This will create strong synergies and allow for interlinked approaches and methods to be widely disseminated and scaled-up.

The RURACTVE Forum, which will be established later in the project, will strengthen the cooperation by networking with relevant initiatives and projects funded under Horizon Europe, Interreg and European Regional Development Fund programmes, and co-develop policy recommendations. It will also bring together views of rural societal actors to ongoing science-policy discussions at EU and local levels.

Projects that RURACTIVE holds close links to comprise:

For more information, please click on the cards below
Photo of Auroral

Architecture for Unified Regional and Open digital ecosystems for Smart Communities and Rural Areas Large scale application.

Photo of Futural

Innovative Smart Solutions for rural areas

Photo of Smarta

Conceptualising, identifying and piloting “smart transport services” in rural areas

Photo of Fliara

Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas

Photo of Ruritage

Rural regeneration with heritage

Photo of Insituculture

Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas
